You read that title right, my friend! Did you know that sugar is eight times more addicting than heroine or cocaine?
When I first heard this jaw-dropping fact, I was absolutely stunned. If this is really true then those out-of-control sugar cravings could be compared to an addict looking to get another fix.
Now before you roll your eyes and say (or think), “Good grief, Jules… don’t be so dramatic!” Hear me out!
After I gave it some thought, I began to realize just how wrong our approach to weight loss, healthy eating and even treatment of certain eating disorders has been.If we approach binge eating, weight loss and healthy eating by using shame, dieting, deprivation and the argument that willpower alone is key, we are doing ourselves (and those we love) a major disservice.
“Sugar addiction is a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings — leading to uncontrolled overeating.” (Dr. Mark Hyman).
I won’t get into all the science behind addiction, but long story short, our brains are wired from childhood to associate sweet with comfort and pleasure.
According to Frank Lipman, MD, “We become conditioned to need something sweet to feel complete or satisfied and continue to self-medicate with sugar as adults, using it to temporarily boost our mood or energy. But as any addict knows, one quick fix soon leaves you looking for another — each hit of momentary satisfaction comes with a long-term price.
The bottom line is that sugar works the addiction and reward pathways in the brain in much the same way as many illegal drugs. And, like other drugs, it can destroy your health and lead to all sorts of ailments including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, and premature aging. Sugar is basically a socially acceptable, legal, recreational drug, with deadly consequences — and like with any drug addiction, you have to have a flexible but structured plan to beat it.”
If you were wondering why, you couldn’t just stop at one sweet, there ya go, friend. If you were wondering why, you get fixated on sugar when you’re feeling tired, stressed, emotional or upset, reread those last couple paragraphs. Sugar makes us feel good and after using it to self-medicate, we become addicted.
After spending the last few years researching, coaching and speaking to multiple audiences about this very topic, I have found these above statements to be 100% true. Willpower and self-control are not overnight habits to be developed. Would you ever walk up to an addict and ask them, “why don’t you just stop?”
I created the 21-Day Reset with these facts in mind and, after walking multiple people (including myself!) through the program, I have seen the desire for sweets slowly taper off.
What used to be bland and tasteless in the past is now packed with flavor as we’ve allowed our taste buds to heal.
Instead of highly sweet, processed foods, we opt for different, real, whole food options that satisfy our present need.
I’ve seen my clients become more in-tune with their bodies, honoring their hunger and fullness and becoming more confident in their lifestyle as they are empowered to make the right decisions. Often doing this program with a friend or a spouse, they make healthy changes together which, in turn, spills into their relationships, their families, the decisions they make, their finances and so much more.
Friend, I want for you to hear me out here. The reason I wanted to share my heaRt on this subject is because I want to help you walk in freedom. I want our generation well and in good health!
From day one, our children grow up with an unhealthy and unbalanced view of food, becoming addicted to sugar as toddlers. Through lack of education and at times, personal responsibility, we reward them with treats, fill our pantries with highly-processed, sugary /”fake” fare; we frequent fast-food restaurants because it’s quick and easy and we numb ourselves with comfort food.
My heart is to help people take back both their health and their lives- no more being controlled by unruly cravings. Instead of the cravings controlling them, why not change the story to them controlling the cravings, removing them altogether?
This isn’t some pipe dream, my friend! By making some simple changes and substitutes, you can reboot your body from a place of surviving to thriving! Best part? No diets, fads or unrealistic regimens. We are all about fun, sustainable, flexible and realistic. They say that the greatest wealth is health and if you think about it, that’s not far from the truth… If we don’t feel good, life is so much harder to live!
So do yourself a favor? Join us for the 21-Day Reset– we start Valentine’s Day! Simply contact me and I will add you to the list. Trust me, you won’t regret this.