The other day, my friends and I were working on our global wellness businesses together when we started chatting about some common passions we have.
The conversation took an interesting turn as we began discussing some unsettling things happening in this country and once again, my heart burst with the conviction that we are so in the right place at the right time…
Let me explain.
I am an American through and through and deeply hold to the values our country was founded upon. Unapologetically.
My mission as a business owner, entrepreneur and Believer is to bring God glory first and foremost- then, embrace this incredible nation’s founding principles while fulfilling my calling, which is to lead us to total health in mind, body, spirit and yes, even finances.
This global business has given me a platform to make this happen and y’all, was I ever made for this! My team and the community we’ve formed are family. The culture that has been cultivated is one of belonging, value and growth… always.

That being said, I love people and I love this nation. If we are to uphold what our founding fathers started, it’s time to get into action and defend what they fought for:
- One Nation Under God
- Liberty
- Life
- Self Government
- Equality
- Individualism
We are a United States founded on God… to Him be the glory. Not to us.
Liberty is the value that proclaims that people should be free to think, speak, worship and act as they choose – though, not at the expense of others’ freedom.
Life is to be protected and cherished- it is sacred. We are made in the image of God.
“Self-government is the value that declares that citizens have a say in how their government is run. They are the primary source of the government’s authority, they participate actively in the political process, and the government exists to promote their well-being. (*cough*)
Equality is a value that holds that all people must be treated fairly, with dignity and be able to embrace opportunities for education, economic success, political involvement and a fulfilling life.
Individualism is the value that is committed to independence, self-sufficiency, private initiative, and personal economic growth. Individuals must be in control of their own lives and be able to make decisions without undue influence from the government or society” (AKA Communism/Socialism).
I am on a mission, my friends. And it goes so much deeper than physical health. If you’re okay with the government controlling your health, freedom and life, then I encourage you to step back and take a look at where our nation is at… personally? I’m tired of them running our wellness, taking more and more of our freedom as they go.
If you believe it’s time to take radical ownership of your life, health, finances and future, I would love to hear your story, vision and what God has put on your heart!